Bibliographic Detail

Täuscher, L., 2012

Täuscher, L. (2012). Die Vorkommen von Armleuchteralgen (Charales) im Norden von Sachsen-Anhalt (Deutschland). The occurrence of stoneworts (Charales) in the north part of the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge 24: 111-118.

Remarks on records of stoneworts (Charales) in the north of the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) are given. For the occurrence of these macroalgae floodplain waters with sand, small water bodies = kettles and artificial water bodies (sandpits, small mining waters and ditches with sand, fish ponds) are important. A revision of endangered species of stoneworts in the Red Data List is made.


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