Bibliographic Detail

Vandersea, M.W., Kibler, S.R., Van Sant, S.B., Tester, P.A., Sullivan, K., Eckert, G., Cammarata, C., Reece, K., Scott, G., Place, A., Holderied, K., Hondolero, D. & Litaker, W., 2017

Vandersea, M.W., Kibler, S.R., Van Sant, S.B., Tester, P.A., Sullivan, K., Eckert, G., Cammarata, C., Reece, K., Scott, G., Place, A., Holderied, K., Hondolero, D. & Litaker, W. (2017). qPCR assays for Allexandrium fundyense and A. ostenfeldii (Dinophyceae) identified from Alaskan waters and a review of species-specific Alexandrium molecular assays. Phycologia 56(3): 303-320.

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