Bibliographic Detail

Lutsenko E.S., Shalygin S.S., Davydov D.A., 2013

Lutsenko E.S., Shalygin S.S., Davydov D.A. (2013). Perifitonnie cyanobacterii litorali Kolskogo zaliva Barentseva morya [Periphytic cyanobacteria of the littoral of the Kola Bay, Barents Sea]. Vestnik MSTU 16(3): 472-477. [in Russian]

The taxonomic structure of periphytic cyanobacteria of the littoral of the Kola Bay (Barents Sea) has been studied. 55 species of cyanoprokaryota have been found. The basis of the community is the families of Pseudanabaenaceae, Phormidiaceae, Xenococcaceae. The maximum number of species is presented by fouling microorganisms and epiphytes, allochthonous components have been found as well. Marine forms of cyanobacteria are dominated in the community of the Kola Bay.


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