Dasya cryptica C.W.Schneid., Quach & C.E.Lane 2017

Dasya cryptica C.W.Schneid., Quach & C.E.Lane

Current name: Dasya cryptica C.W.Schneid., Quach & C.E.Lane
Spanish Point Park, north shore Bermuda I.; 2 m depth; holotypeC.W.Schneider

Publication Details
Dasya cryptica C.W.Schneid., Quach & C.E.Lane 2017: 362, 364, figs 3–5, 9–13

Published in: Schneider, C.W., Quach, P.K. & Lane, C.E. (2017). A case for true morphological crypsis: Pacific Dasya anastomosans and Atlantic D. cryptica sp. nov. (Dasyaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 56(4): 359-368, 13 figs.

Publication date: 20 March 2017 final on line

Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Dasya is Dasya pedicellata (C.Agardh) C.Agardh.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Type Information
Type locality: Spanish Point Park, north shore Bermuda I. 32°18' 26.4" N, 64°48"56.6" W; (Schneider, Quach & Lane 2017: 364) Holotype (tetrasporic): Schneider, Lane, Popolizio 12-11-8 9BDA06060 ; 18 January 2012; 2 m depth; MICH; (Schneider, Quach & Lane 2017: 364 (Fig. 9)) Notes: GenBank KX913337, KX913357, C.W. Schneider/C.E. Lane/T.R. Popolizio 12-11-8 (BDA0606); isotypes, NY [BDA0605, GenBank KX913336, KX913358), Bermuda Natural History Museum, USA, Herb. CWS (CWS/CEL/TRP 12-11-9 [BDA0607, GenBank KX913356). Paratype: CWS/CEL 03-5-25, 28 March 2003, Spanish Point Park

General Environment
This is a marine species.

Plants on rock or coral, erect to 4-5 cm tall, deep brownish-red, arising from discoidal holdfasts; indeterminate axes dichotomously branched with terminal portions strongly recurved, 1-2 mm diam. and heavily corticated by descending rhizoids; indeterminate axes densely covered in upper portions by determinate, darkly pigmented, monosiphonous axes (pseudolaterals, sparingly covered to naked below in older plants; pseudolaterals 2-4 mm in length, 2-4 times branched basally, upper portions unbranched and only slightly tapering if at all, with a length or 30-70 cells from base to apex; pseudolaterals deciduous on older portions of axes; basal cells of pseudolaterals initially globose, then elongating like the other cells in the branchlets, flared at the base, dichotomously branching immediately or one cell distally, 12-33 µm diam. and 24-48 µm long; pseudolateral cells reaching greatest lengths centrally, 14-18 µm diam. and 75-92 µm long, slightly shortening to the obtuse distal cells, 11-43 µm long; tetrasporangial stichidia single, borne on 1-3-celled pedicels, replacing branchlets of pseudolaterals in basal portions, linear-lanceolate in outline, 60-80 µm diam. and 340-1040 µm in length at maturity, composed of 10-27 fertile segments, acropetally producing then releasing sporangia; sporangia globose, 30-50 µm diam., tetrahedrally divided, 4 (-5) per fertile segment, each with a single, globose post-sporangial cover cell produced from an elongate cell that bears each sporangium, this cell becoming globose after sporangial release; gametangia and cystocarps unknown.

Key Characteristics
Differing from the morphologically indistinguishable Dasya anastomosans by subtle stichidial differences and 18 bp differences in 497 bp of rbcL alignment, and the ocean basins in which each species is found.

Created: 04 May 2017 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 16 February 2018

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Craig Schneider in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 16 February 2018. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 17 February 2025

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