Pterocladia capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Bornet 1876

Current name:
Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Santelices & Hommersand
lower intertidal, North of Portugal, 2013, Ignacio BárbaraIgnacio Bárbara (
Publication Details
Pterocladia capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Bornet 1876: 57, pl. XX 20]: figs 1-7
Published in: Bornet, É. & Thuret, G. (1876). Notes algologiques recueil d'observations sur les algues. Fasc. 1. pp. i-xx, 1-70, pls I-XXV. Paris: G. Masson.
Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Pterocladia is Pterocladia lucida (R.Brown ex Turner) J.Agardh.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Santelices & Hommersand.
Source of Synonymy
Santelices, B. & Hommersand, M. (1997). Pterocladiella, a new genus in the Gelidiaceae (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 36: 114-119.
Fucus capillaceus S.G.Gmelin
Type Information
Type locality: Locus, Mare mediterraneum [Mediterranean Sea]; (Gmelin 1768: 146) Lectotype: original illustration (Gmelin , 1768, pl. 15 fig.1). (epitype) (Womersley & Guiry 1994: 139)
Origin of Species Name
Adjective (Latin), capillarg, hair-like, thread-like (Stearn 1983).
General Environment
This is a marine species.
Widespread in temperate seas, extending into the subtropics (Womersley & Guiry 1994: 139)
Created: 27 September 1998 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 06 February 2017
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Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of information before use, as noted on the website Content page.
Taxonomic note
According to Dixon (1960: 302-309), the name Gelidium corneum v. pinnatum has been misapplied to this species by G. Martens (1868: 30, 92-93), De Wildeman (1897a: 169); the name Pterocladia pinnata has been misapplied to this species by V.May (1965: 371), Lawson (1980: 59), Jagtap (1993: Table 1). - (11 May 2006) - G.M. Guiry
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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 06 February 2017. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 11 February 2025