Bibliographic Detail

Riaux-Gobin, C. & Compère, P., 2009

Riaux-Gobin, C. & Compère, P. (2009). Olifantiella mascarenica gen. & sp. nov., a new genus of pennate diatom from Réunion Island, exhibiting a remarkable internal process. Phycological Research 57(3): 178-185, 22 fig., 1 table.

Publication Date:
September 2009

A new diatom genus, Olifantiella gen. nov., has been discovered from the coral reefs of Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). This monospecific genus belonging to the Biraphidineae, contains a small, marine taxon, Olifantiella mascarenica sp. nov., which shows close structural similarity with the recently described genus Labellicula Van de Vijver & Lange-Bertalot, but with significant differences: (i) the presence of a remarkable internal tubular process  the buciniportula; (ii) the easily identifiable external funnel-shaped opening of this process; (iii) the design of the external raphe endings; (iv) the general shape of the frustules; and (v) a lateral void and elevated crest. The buciniportula, associated with the other characters, is apparently new, and allows the establishment of a new genus. The morphology of this genus is compared with that of related genera, such as Luticola, Diadesmis, Labellicula, Brachysira, Neidium and Nupela, with some comments on the contribution of scanning electron microscopy towards distinguishing new genera, and the possible superabundance of these new entities, particularly of small diatoms.


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