Bibliographic Detail

West, W. & West, G.S., 1895

West, W. & West, G.S. (1895). New American algae. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 33: 52 only.

NEW AMERICAN ALGAE. By W. West, F.L.S., and G. S. West, A.R.C.S. Pediastrum duplex Meyen. (P. pertusiun. Kiitz.), var. gracil- LiMUM, n. var. Var. cellulis gracillimis, periphericis arcuatis cum processibus duobus longis tenuibus emarginatis ad apices; cellulis reliquis 4-radiatis ; lacunis permagnis. Diam. usque ad 87 fi. This variety is similar to var. reticulatum Lagerh. (Bid rag till Banned. Stockholmstr. Ped., Protoc, PalmelL, Ofvers. af K. Vet.- Akad. Fork., 1882, p. 56, t. ii. f. 1), but the cells are much more slender, the processes narrower and with emarginate apices, and the spaces between the cells are very much larger. Tetraedron tortum, n. sp. T. magnum, irregulariter triangulare, contortum, lateribus curvatis, convexis, subconvexis, vel concavis sed in medio leviter convexis; angulis leviter productis, spina longa valida acuta vel acutissima ad angulum unumquemque instructa ; membrana crassa glabra. Diam. sine spin. 73-81 /x, cum spin. 108-117 /x; crass, circ. 42-44 /x. The large size, peculiar bent and twisted triangular form, furnished with the strong spines at the angles, distinguish this species from all others. Radiofilum apiculatum, n. sp. E. cellulis transverse ellipticovel rotundo-rhomboideis, angulis lateralibus subapiculatis, cellulis conjunctis arete in fills longis flexuosis. Contentum chlorophyllosum cellularum cum pyrenoidibus magnis singulis. Long. cell. 4-4-4 /x; lat. cell, cum apic. 4*6-5-6 fx. The smaller somewhat rhomboidal cells with lateral apiculations distinguish this species from the only other one of the genus, viz., R. conjimctivwn Schmidle (Aus der Chloroph.-Fl. der Torfstiche zu Virnheim, Flora oder allg. Bot. Zeitung, 1894, Heft 1, p. 47, taf. vii. f. 4, 5). The filaments of R. apiculatum are long and flexuose, as distinguished from the short fragile filaments of R. conjiinctivum; moreover, the cells are not so remote as in the latter species, and are arranged more or less in pairs, the minute apiculi on the cells of each pair often being directed slightly towards each other. The material was not in the living state, but traces of a gelatinous investment with a radiating structure were observed.


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