Bibliographic Detail
Acleto, C. & Zúñiga, R., 2011
Acleto, C. & Zúñiga, R. (2011). Revisión de las especies peruanas de Sebdenia (Sebdeniales,
Rhodophyta) y descripción de Cryptonemia anconensis sp. nov.
(Halymeniales, Rhodophyta). Revista Peruana de Biología 18(1): 97-112, 48 figures.
Publication Date:
April 2011
Six species of Sebdenia have been recorded for the Peruvian marine seaweed: Sebdenia afuerensis, S.
chinchensis, S. heteronema, S. lapathifolia, S. limensis and S. polydactyla (Howe 1914, Dawson et al. 1964,
Acleto 1980). In the present study, we re-evaluated the Peruvian species of Sebdenia on the basis of type
specimens and herbarium material of the Herbarium San Marcos (USM). We concluded that only Sebdenia
flabellata previously identified as Sebdenia polydactyla is present in our marine flora. The last five species
correspond to Cryptonemia genera and are described and illustrated as new combinations and Cryptonemia
anconensis as new species.