Fragilaria trigibba Pantocsek 1902
Publication Details
Fragilaria trigibba Pantocsek 1902: 79, pl. 9: fig. 224
Published in: Pantocsek, J. (1902). Die Bacillarien des Balatonsees. Anhang der II. Section Kieselalgen oder Bacillarien des Balaton. In: Resultate der Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, herausgegeben von der Balatonsee-Commission der Ung. Geographischen Gesellschaft. Zweiter Band. Die Biologie des Balatonsees. Zweiter Theil. Die Flora. I. Section. Anhang.. (Anon. Eds), pp. [1]112. Wien [Vienna]: Commissionsverlag von Ed. Hölzel.
Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Fragilaria is Fragilaria pectinalis (O.F.Müller) Lyngbye.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Fragilaria pantocsekii var. trigibba (Pantocsek) A.Cleve.
Source of Synonymy
Cleve-Euler, A. (1953). Die Diatomeen von Schweden und Finnland. Teil II. Arraphideae, Brachyraphideae. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, ser. IV 4(1): 1-158, figs 292-483 in 35 pls.
Type Information
Hungary: Lake Balaton.;
General Environment
This is a freshwater species.
Created: 23 April 2002 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 14 November 2021
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Salvador Valenzuela Miranda in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 14 November 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 19 February 2025