Tolypella normaniana (Nordstedt) Nordstedt 1868

Tolypella normaniana (Nordstedt) Nordstedt

Current name: Tolypella normaniana (Nordstedt) Nordstedt
Known distribution of T. normaniana

Publication Details
Tolypella normaniana (Nordstedt) Nordstedt 1868: in un-numbered fig.

Published in: Norman, J.M. (1868). Specialia loca natalia plantarum nonnullarum vascularum & Characearum & Lichenum in Agro Arctico Norvegiae confiniisque sponte nascentium. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 5([3]): 243-378, 1 un-numbered plate.

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Publication date: 1868

Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Tolypella is Tolypella nidifica (O.F.Müller) A.Braun.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Nitella normaniana Nordstedt

Type Information
Type locality: "Hab. ad littora maris fundi intimi sinus Bejernfjord Nordlandiae loco sub accessu æstus inundato, sub recessu emerso." [Bergen, Norway]; (Norman 1868: 334)

General Environment
This is a brackish species.

The plants are up to 100 mm high, and with 1-20 plants together from the same oospore. Plants are encrusted or nor encrusted. The axis is 150-600 µm in diameter. Whorls 1-6, only the first, protonemal whorl has 1-6 sterile, undivided branchlets, and 4-22 fertile branchlets which are up to 40 mm long. The other 1-5 whorls have only fertile branchlets. The branchlets are normally curved inwards towards the stem. The internode between the protonemal whorl and the first whorl vary from 0.5 – 16 mm in length. There is one terminal process which is much longer than the heads, up to 90 mm long. The species is monoecious. The gametangia are conjoined at stem nodes and fertile branchlet nodes. The oogonia are up to 300 – 450 µm long, with 6-8 sharp ridges. The oospore is dark brown to black and have a granulate membrane. The antheridia are solitary or 2-4 together, 250-450 µm in diameter. When they are stipitated, the stalkcell is up to 600 µm long

Tolypella normaniana grows on loose clay bottom in different estuarine fjords in Nordland. By ebb sea, the tidal flats which make up large areas where the alga lives are exposed to air. On these foreshore flats the alga survives in small pools or on wet bottom sediment, where the alga is fastened by its rhizoids. Tolypella normaniana is found in localities with nearly fresh – to slightly brackish water at least in summer. The salt content is considerable higher in the autumn. The species is annual and survives the winter as oospores. In Beiarnfjorden the fructification was extremely rich in July 1993, and the plants had mature red oogonia and orange antheridia. In August 1993 ripe, brown oospores were found in more localities. In November 1993 the number of ripe oospores from Beiarn- fjorden was very high, and still there were fructifying specimens, now only with oogonia.

Similar Species
Tolypella nidifica. Has been considered as a subspecies of this, eg. by Wahlstedt (1875).

Created: 25 October 2006 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 23 April 2020

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 23 April 2020. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 16 June 2024

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