Gelidiella tenuissima Feldmann & Hamel, nom. illeg. 1936

Publication Details
Gelidiella tenuissima Feldmann & Hamel, nom. illeg. 1936: 102, figs 11, 12

Published in: Feldmann, J. & Hamel, G. (1936). Floridées de France VII. Gélidiales. Revue Algologique 9: 85-140, 36 figs, 5 pls [2-6].

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Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Gelidiella is Echinocaulon spinellum Kützing.

Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Millerella pannosa (Feldmann) G.H.Boo & L.Le Gall.

Source of Synonymy
Boo, G.H., Nguyen, T.V., Kim, J.Y., Le Gall, L., Rico, J.M., Botallico, A. & Boo, S.M. (2016). A revised classification of the Gelidiellaceae (Rhodophyta) with descriptions of three new genera: Huismaniella, Millerella and Perronella. Taxon 65(5): 965-979, 6 figs.

Type Information
Type locality: Biarritz, France; (Santelices 2004: 324) Lectotype: 25 June 1868; Herb. Thuret (PC, Paris); 7913802 (lower left corner) (Santelices & Rico 2002: 438, 436) Notes: Lectotype: Tetrasporophyte.

Origin of Species Name
Adjective (Latin), very fine (Lewis & Short 1890).

General Environment
This is a marine species.

Created: 14 December 1998 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 02 December 2023

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Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of information before use, as noted on the website Content page.

Nomenclatural note
According to Santelices & Rico (2002: 437), Feldmann & Hamel noted that the name had been used by Spach in 1841 for a genus in the Polygonaceae (angiosperms), making Kützing's Echinocaulon a later synonym and that they proposed Gelidiella Feldmann & Hamel (1936) as a replacement. Santelices & Rico note the proposal of the new name was in accordance with th ICBN (Greuter et al. 2000). However, Silva (Index Nominum Algarum) argues that the new name is illegitimate as it was an unwarranted change of epithet. He also considers Parviphycus tenuissimus to be illegitimate as it is the intended combination of Gelidiella tenuissima J. Feldmann & G. Hamel 1936 (illeg.), a viw that is supported by G.Furnari (in Furnari et al. 2010: 828). - (24 April 2007) - G.M. Guiry

Taxonomic note
According to Santelices & Rico (2002: 436), the following names are synonyms of Gelidiella tenuissima: Gelidium tenuissimum Thuret, G. pannosum Bornet non Grunow, G. pannosum Weber van Bosse, Echinocaulon pannosum Feldmann, Gelidiella pannosa (Bornet) Feldmann & Hamel, G. pannosa (Feldmann) Feldmann & Hamel and G. tenuissima (Thuret) Feldmann & Hamel. - (24 April 2007) - G.M. Guiry

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 02 December 2023. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 11 February 2025

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