Bibliographic Detail

Hay, C.H., 1987

Hay, C.H. (1987). Lessonia adamsiae sp. nov. (Phaeophyta: Laminariales) from the Snares Islands, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25: 295-308.

A new species of Lessonia Bory, L. adamsiae C. H. Hay, with wide, conspicuously cor- rugated blades, a massive, woody, buttressed base, long, terete branches, and a lacunate cortex is described from Snares Island, New Zealand. This, the only species of Lessonia growing on the Snares, is compared in detail with the following species: - L. corrugata Lucas, which is endemic to Tasmania and hitherto the only Lessonia species previously described with corrugated blades; L. variegata J. Ag. from mainland New Zealand, L. brevifolia J. Ag., so far recorded from Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, and Bounty Islands; L. nigrescens Bory from Chile and southern Peru; L. flavicans from the Falkland Islands and the Fuegian region of South America; L. vadosa Searles from Fuegia and the Falklands, and L. trabeculata Villouta et San- telices from northern and central Chile. The occurrence of this very distinctive species on an island so close to the much larger and more widely dis- persed population of L. variegata on the New Zealand mainland is discussed in terms of recent geology and ocean circulation patterns.


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