Bibliographic Detail

Täuscher, L., 2012

Täuscher, L. (2012). Checklisten und Gefährdungsgrade der Algen des Landes Brandenburg II. Checklisten und Gefährdungsgrade der Chrysophyceae sensu lato (= Chrysophyceae sensu stricto, Phaeothamniophyceae et Synurophyceae), der Xanthophyceae/Tribophyceae und der Eustigmatophyceae. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg 145: 219-233.

In the second part of the algal checklists of the federal state Brandenburg 78 golden algae sensu lato, 20 yellow green algae and 14 Eustigmatophyceae are listed. Important remarks on endangered algal taxa in the federal state Brandenburg, on the taxonomy, on the morphology and on the use for the bioindication of aut- and synecological characterisation of some algal species and algal communities for the ecological status of the waters are made. The checklist of golden algae/chrysophytes does not include the genus Bicosoeca, Pachysoeca and Salpingoeca. The Bicosoeca taxa (6 species in the federal state Brandenburg), Pachysoeca taxa (one species in the federal state Brandenburg) and Salpingoeca taxa (one species in the federal state Brandenburg) are colourless flagellates without chlorophyll in the divisio/in the kingdom Protozoa (Bicosoecidea or Craspedomonadophycidae = Choanoflagellata).


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