Bibliographic Detail

Ramos, G.J.P., Oliveira, B. de & Moura, C.W. do N., 2014

Ramos, G.J.P., Oliveira, B. de & Moura, C.W. do N. (2014). Desmídias de ambiente fitotelmata bromelícola da Serra da Jiboia, Bahia, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociêncas 9(1): 103-113.

(Desmids from bromeliaceae phythotelmata environment of the Serra da Jiboia, Bahia, Brazil).The present study is a contribution to the taxonomic knowledge of desmids retained in reservoir of leaves of Alcantarea nahoumii (Leme) J.R.Grant (Bromeliaceae) on area of campo rupestre in top of Morro da Pioneira, north zone of Serra da Jiboia, (12º51S e 39º28W), 850m of height, in the Santa Teresinhas county, Bahia, Brazil. The material studied came from 120 samples collected in january and march of 2009 (summer) and june and july of 2009 (winter). The phytotelmata flora was represented by sixteen taxa belonging to the genera: Actinotaenium (1), Cosmarium (9), Euastrum (2), Micrasterias (2) Pleurotaenium (1), Staurastrum (1). Five taxa are new records to Bahia: E. sublobatum var. sublobatum f. elongatum, Micrasterias crux-melitensis, Cosmarium elegantissimum var. elegantissimum f. elegantissimum, Staurastrum leptocladum var. coronatum, C. undulatum var. circulare and being the last one is new records to Brazil.


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