Heterosiphonia Montagne, 1842, nom. cons.
Holotype species: Heterosiphonia berkeleyi Montagne
Publication details: Montagne, 1842: 4
Original publication and holotype designation: Montagne, [J.F.] C. (1842). Prodromus generum specierumque phycearum novarum, in itinere ad polum antarcticum...ab illustri Dumont d'Urville peracto collectarum, notis diagnosticis tantum huc evulgatarum, descriptionibus verò fusioribus nec non iconibus analyticis iam iamque illustrandarum. pp. [1-]16. Parisiis [Paris]: apud Gide, editorem.
Description: Thallus erect or with erect and prostrate axes, alternately distichously or subdichotomously branched; growth sympodial. Structure with 4–12 pericentral cells per axial cell; indeterminate laterals arising on every second axial cell. Axes terete or compressed, corticated or not; determinate laterals monosiphonous beyond basal few segments, pigmented, dichotomously branched. Spermatangial branchlets usually terminating short laterals. Procarps on last-formed pericentral cell; carposporangia in rows or solitary and terminal, the later-formed ones laterally produced; cystocarps with a conspicuous pericarp. Tetrasporangial stichidia terminal on laterals, with 4–6 sporangia per segment; sporangia enclosed by cover cells when mature.
Information contributed by: Huisman (2018). The most recent alteration to this page was made on 2023-12-07 by M.D. Guiry.
Taxonomic status: This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.
Gender: This genus name is currently treated as feminine.
Most recent taxonomic treatment adopted: Choi, H.-G., Kraft, G.T., Lee, I.K. & Saunders, G.W. (2002). Phylogenetic analyses of anatomical and nuclear SSU rDNA sequence data indicate that the Dasyaceae and Delesseriaceae (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) are polyphyletic. European Journal of Phycology 37: 551-570.
Verification of Data
Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of information before use, as noted on the website Content page.
Some of the descriptions included in AlgaeBase were originally from the unpublished Encyclopedia of Algal Genera,
organised in the 1990s by Dr Bruce Parker on behalf of the Phycological Society of America (PSA)
and intended to be published in CD format.
These AlgaeBase descriptions are now being continually updated, and each current contributor is identified above.
The PSA and AlgaeBase warmly acknowledge the generosity of all past and present contributors and particularly the work of Dr Parker.
Descriptions of chrysophyte genera were subsequently published in J. Kristiansen & H.R. Preisig (eds.). 2001. Encyclopedia of Chrysophyte Genera. Bibliotheca Phycologica 110: 1-260.
Linking to this page: https://www.algaebase.org/search/genus/detail/?genus_id=32784
Citing AlgaeBase
Cite this record as:
M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 07 December 2023. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 12 February 2025