Spongonema Kützing, 1849

Lectotype species: Spongonema tomentosum (Hudson) Kützing

Publication details: Kützing, 1849: 461

Original publication: Kützing, F.T. (1849). Species algarum. pp. [i]-vi, [1]-922. Lipsiae [Leipzig]: F.A. Brockhaus.

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Type designated in: Hamel, G. (1939). Sur la classification des Ectocarpales. Botaniska Notiser 1939: 65-70.

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Description: This genus has a syntagmatic, bushy and woolly thallus composed of uniseriate, branched filaments. The inner filaments are sparsely branched, main axes with reduced chloroplasts. Free laterals develop from the outer part of the compact central system of filaments, each cell with 1-2 short ribbon-shaped chloroplasts. The growth is diffuse intercalary but short meristematic cells occur in connection with formation of pseudohairs. Hooked determinate laterals occur often in younger plants. Plurilocular sporangia sessile or provided with a short stalk, lanceolate to linear in shape and often hooked. Unilocular sporangia terminal or lateral, sessile or stalked. Prostages form felt-like coverings of often unbranched filaments. Plurilocular sporangia terminal or intercalary, unilocular sporangia like in the fully developed plant.

Information contributed by: P. M. Pedersen. The most recent alteration to this page was made on 2011-08-29 by M.D. Guiry.

Taxonomic status: This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

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Some of the descriptions included in AlgaeBase were originally from the unpublished Encyclopedia of Algal Genera, organised in the 1990s by Dr Bruce Parker on behalf of the Phycological Society of America (PSA) and intended to be published in CD format. These AlgaeBase descriptions are now being continually updated, and each current contributor is identified above. The PSA and AlgaeBase warmly acknowledge the generosity of all past and present contributors and particularly the work of Dr Parker.

Descriptions of chrysophyte genera were subsequently published in J. Kristiansen & H.R. Preisig (eds.). 2001. Encyclopedia of Chrysophyte Genera. Bibliotheca Phycologica 110: 1-260.

Linking to this page: https://www.algaebase.org/search/genus/detail/?genus_id=37338

Citing AlgaeBase
Cite this record as:
M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 29 August 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 12 February 2025

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