Hildenbrandia crouaniorum J.Agardh 1851

Hildenbrandia crouaniorum J.Agardh

Current name: Hildenbrandia crouaniorum J.Agardh
Spain, Galicia, A Coruña-Barrañán, 2002, conceptacle with tetrasporangiaIgnacio Bárbara (barbara@udc.es)

Publication Details
Hildenbrandia crouaniorum J.Agardh 1851: 495

Published in: Agardh, J.G. (1851). Species genera et ordines algarum, seu descriptiones succinctae specierum, generum et ordinum, quibus algarum regnum constituitur. Volumen secundum: algas florideas complectens. Part 1. pp. [i]-xii, [1]-336 + 337-351 [Addenda and Indices]. Lundae [Lund]: C.W.K. Gleerup.

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Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Hildenbrandia is Hildenbrandia prototypus Nardo.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Type Information
Lectotype locality: Brest, France; (Irvine & Pueschel 1994: 238) Lectotype: Herb. Alg. Agardh, LD; 27613 (Irvine & Pueschel 1994: 238) Notes: Womersley (1994: 143) notes that the type material of Hildenbrandia crouanii was collected by Crouan.

General Environment
This is a marine species.

On stable rock and loose stones; forming indefinite, sometimes very extensive patches; margins rarely extending slightly over coralline algae, otherwise not epiphytic (Irvine & Pueschel 1994; 239).

Created: 16 April 1996 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 14 February 2020

Verification of Data
Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of information before use, as noted on the website Content page.

Nomenclatural notes
1852: 495 (Womersley 1994: 143); 1852: 496 (Irvine & Pueschel 1994: 238). - (08 June 2009) - G.M. Guiry
Most authors give the epithet as "crouani" or "crouanii", but the genitive plural is required as it is intended to honour both of the Crouan brothers. "In Furnari et. al. (2003), Ballesteros (2010), Athanasiadis (2016) and AlgaeBase (Guiry & Guiry, 2017) this taxon is named H. crouaniorum, thinking that Agardh wanted to honour both of the Crouan brothers. However, in the absence of evidence from Agardh that both brothers were being honoured, agreeing with Woelkerling (pers. comm.) and what reported in INA (2017), we here prefer maintain the original orthography but corrected from 'crouani' to 'crouanii' in accord with Art. 60.12. of ICN (McNeill et al., 2012)." (Cormaci, Furnari & Alongi 2017: 89)." J. Agardh, however, only says ("Crouan!") and does not specify one brother or the other, and the two are always referred to collectively as the "brothers Crouan" or "frères crouan" and this is how most of their scientific works were authored, so AlgaeBase will continue to maintain the genitive plural in agreement with Athansaidis and others. At no time has anybody named a species for one brother as opposed to the other. - (09 May 2009) - M.D. Guiry

Habitat note
Epilithic on pebbles mixed with maërl; depth range: 2-13 m (Peña & Bárbara 2010). Growing on pebbles associated with maerl beds; depth: 17 m (Pena & Bárbara, 2013). - (04 May 2010) - G.M. Guiry

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 14 February 2020. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 16 February 2025

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